**************************************************************************** D A I L Y B I O R H Y T H M V 2 . 5 (c) Copyright 1993-1994 by D. Burgess All Rights Reserved. Last updated February 1994 **************************************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F I L E C O N T E N T S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PACKING LIST : Contents of this software package. SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT : The Legal Stuff. BIORHYTHMS: A short description of what Biorhythms really are. GETTING STARTED : Installing and running Daily BioRhythm v2.5. SUPPORT INFORMATION : Information about product support. WHAT IS SHAREWARE? : Defining the Shareware concept of marketing. REGISTRATION INFORMATION : What you receive by registering this software. REGISTRATION - DAILY BIORHYTHM v2.5 : The registration form & user questionaire. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P A C K I N G L I S T ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete DAILY BIORHYTHM V2.5 package should contain the following files. Please verify that each of these files are present. If you find any of these files to be missing, then the package is not complete and should NOT be distributed to others. The complete package may be obtained from the program's author, D.Burgess. How to contact the program's author is shown at the end of this file... File Name: File's purpose: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ReadMe.txt This file; with program information including license, disclaimer, how to get started, etc. Install.exe The program that installs Daily BoiRhythm to your hard drive. (Or another floppy if a hard drive is unavailable) 2Config.exe The program that creates Daily BioRhythm's configuration file, 25D_BIO.CFG. DayBio25.exe The executable program file. ReadIt.exe If you don't have a text viewer to read the text files, then you can use this. Vendor.doc Important information for disk vendors, distributors, user groups, BBS's, etc. File_Id.Diz Program description. History.doc Program revision history. AutoB25.exe Utility for running Daily BioRhythm from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. (Or any other batch file for that matter...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TO ALL: ~~~~~~ We wish you to receive the highest possible benefit from this software. If you believe that you have received an incomplete, out of date, or damaged diskette; please feel free to contact us. You are not required to be a registered user in order to write us and receive a reply. Our mailing address is presented at the end of this file... **************************************************************************** S O F T W A R E L I C E N S E I N F O R M A T I O N **************************************************************************** This file contains important license information regarding the use of our software. This information applies to individuals who wish to evaluate or use the software, or wish to pass out copies to friends and associates. Disk Vendors, Distributors, BBS Sysops, User Groups, etc., should refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for complete information relating to them. PLEASE! Support the Shareware concept of marketing by registering programs you actually use. The authors depend upon and need your support to continue software developement. Thank you! Trial Use License: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This software is NOT FREE and is NOT public domain. It is Copyrighted by D. Burgess, as is indicated on the program and its documentation. This software and accompanying documentation is protected by United States Copyright law and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be subject to prosecution under the fullest extent of the law. The conditions under which you are allowed to copy this software and it's documentation are clearly outlined under the "Limited Distribution License" section shown below... You are granted a limited license by this program's author (D.Burgess) to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period of 30 days only. If you wish to continue using this software after the 30 day evaluation period, you are required to pay the registration fee to D.Burgess as outlined on the registration form at the end of this document. Continued use of this software after the 30 day period of evaluation, AND NOT registering the software, violates the terms of this limited license. Licensee shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to D.Burgess. Limited Distribution License: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the copyright holder of the software, D.Burgess authorizes distribution by individuals only in accordance with the following restrictions. (Disk Vendors, Distributors, BBS Sysops, User Groups, etc... Please refer to the VENDOR.DOC file for complete related information.) Individuals are granted permission by D.Burgess to copy the software package for their own evaluation purposes, and/or for other individuals to use for evaluation purposes only when the following conditions are met: The software package (as defined under PACKING LIST) including all related program and documentation files, CAN NOT be modified in any way and must be distributed ONLY as a complete package. If any files listed under PACKING LIST are missing or corrupted, then this software package is not complete and distribution is prohibited. A complete package for distribution may be obtained from the author. You may not collect fees or any other compensation for the software package, except as outlined for disk vendors in VENDOR.DOC, and then only with strict compliance of the terms presented in VENDOR.DOC. The software package can not be sold as part of another inclusive package, nor included in any commercial software packaging offer, unless a written agreement has been made with this program's author. You must not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as permitted for in this agreement. Failure to comply will immediately result in termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted in this limited license are reserved to D.Burgess. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DISTRIBUTION of the REGISTERED USER version of the program is in violation of license agreements and copyright law! DISTRIBUTION of the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE version of the program (in compliance of above license agreements) IS ENCOURAGED!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMPANIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, OFFICES, ETC... Site Licences are available for using Daily BioRhythm on multiple computors. Contact the program's author for further information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIMITED WARRANTY: THIS PRODUCT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS ASSUMED BY YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT D.BURGESS OR ASSOCIATED DEALERS) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. FURTHER, D.BURGESS DOES NOT WARRANT, GUARANTEE, OR MAKE REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF, OR THE RESULTS OF THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM IN TERMS OF CORRECTNESS, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, CURRENTNESS, OR OTHERWISE; AND YOU RELY ON THE PROGRAM AND IT'S RESULTS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. D.BURGESS CANNOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR SYSTEM DAMAGE, LOSS OF PROFIT, OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF D.BURGESS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. D.Burgess DOES warrant to the original licensee of a REGISTERED product that the program disk(s) on which the program is recorded be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of delivery as evidenced by a copy of your receipt. D.Burgess's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be replacement of the disk not meeting D.Burgess's limited warranty. **************************************************************************** B I O R H Y T H M S **************************************************************************** Simply stated, Biorhythms are rhythms or cycles that our bodies follow. While many biological rhythms are easy to see and have been subject to much research, biorhythms (physical, emotional, and intellectual) are the least studied of all human cycles. It is easy to observe the 24 hour cycle of sleep and activity that animal life follows. Less obvious but also easily observed are the 24 hour cycles of body temperature, blood pressure, brain activity, and many other physical characteristics. These 24 hour cycles are called CIRCADIAN, from the Latin (circa) meaning AROUND, and (dies) meaning THE DAY. Other cycles are also found in the functions of the body, and occur over different time spans than the 24 hour cycle. For example; brain waves also show INFRADIAN rhythms which take less than a day to complete, and there are also rhythms (SUPRADIAN) that occur over time spans greater than 24 hours. Biorhythms were first discovered in the late 1800's by two different men; Dr. Hermann Swoboda, professor of psychology at the University of Vienna; and Dr. Wilhelm fliess, an eminent nose and throat specialist in Berlin who later became president of the German Academy of Sciences. A third researcher from Austria by the name of Alfred Teltscher collected further information, and played a critical role in developing the biorhythm theory as it is known today. Although some progress has been made in the understanding of the three great rhythms of life, the precise workings of the human mind, body, etc., which determine the rhythms still remain obscure. The three great rhythms are interdependant, with none of them being so strong as to overwhelm the other two. They alway act in concert as to how they affect us. And as to the degree of their effect on us; this still remains an area of controversy and somewhat varied interpretation. Your experience with your own biorhythm chart can clarify what those readings mean for you. The three biorhythms begin at birth and continue regularly thereafter for the rest of your life. They start in the positive phase, which is why they can be plotted by just knowing a person's date of birth. The Physical Rhythm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The physical rhythm is the shortest and completes it's cycle every 23 days. During the first half of it's cycle it is in the positive phase, and that is when we are at our strongest. We have more energy, more endurance, better coordination, and generally speaking are in better physical condition. During the second half of it's cycle the body is recharging and storing up energy. We tire more easily, require more rest, and are less likely to have the same vigor in performing tasks as we would in our positive phase. We basicly experience a reduction in physical potential. This is the negative phase of our physical cycle. The "Critical" days are experienced when the rhythm is changing from the positive phase to the negative phase or changing from the negative phase to the positive phase. This is when the physical rhythm becomes erratic and unstable, and using extra caution is extremely important. The Emotional Rhythm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The emotional rhythm completes it's cycle every 28 days. During the first half of the cycle we are more inclined to react in a positive manner to most events. Our reactions tend to be more constructive, and we get along with others and ourselves better. It is the best time for doing things that require a positive attitude, cooperation, and creativity. This is the high or positive phase of our emotional cycle. During the second half of the emotional cycle in which our emotional powers are being recharged, our judgement can be effected by our feelings in a negative manner. It can be a poor time to perform tasks in which danger is involved, and swift and/or sound judgement is required. We are more apt to be short-tempered and negative. We don't do as well in activities requiring teamwork and cooperation. It is not the best time for making personal or business related decisions. This is the negative phase of the emotional cycle. The "Critical" days are experienced when the rhythm is changing from the positive phase to the negative phase or changing from the negative phase to the positive phase, as with the other two biorhythms. These days can carry much more danger than the negative phase of the cycle. The characteristics of the negative phase are greatly intensified, and we are more vulnerable to self-inflicted harm, violent disagreements, and a short-temperedness that may appear completely irrational to others. All available precaution should be taken on this day. The Intellectual Rhythm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The intellectual cycle was the last of the three to be discovered, and this is probably why it has received the least attention. Little is known about it, aside from the most essential aspects that it displays. The intellectual rhythm completes its cycle every 33 days. During the positive phase or the first half of the cycle, our minds are more clear and open. Our memory is more retentive, and our ability to combine ideas and understanding is at its peak. This is the best time for encountering new situations where quick understanding and adaptation is desired. This is also the best time to get the most out of reading and education. During the second half of the cycle or negative phase, there is less desire to deal openly with new situations or learning experiences. We lack the high levels of intellectual energy required to accomplish mental tasks with ease, and find it harder to concentrate or think things through with the optimum level of clarity. The "Critical" days are experienced when the rhythm is changing from the positive phase to the negative phase or vice versa, as with the other two biorhythms. Precautions should be taken when we are in situations that require our intellectual acuity. It is wise to avoid making important decisions, discussing matters of vital importance, or analyzing matters of concern. Other Facters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you track your biorhythm, you may find that the rhythms appear to be off by a day. Various facters can be involved, such as being born very late at night in which case your biorhythm may need to be figured from the day following your birthdate. If your biorhythm appears to be slightly off, the best way to find what adjustment (if any) is needed is to keep a diary for a couple of months. If you find that your critical days seem to fall a day ahead or a day behind of those on your chart, change your birthdate in the Daily BioRhythm configuration file to a day ahead or a day behind your actual birthdate. A Final Word ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Biorhythms should not be used to control our lives, but should be used to enhance our daily living. Enjoy! **************************************************************************** G E T T I N G S T A R T E D **************************************************************************** FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANTLY MAKE A BACKUP COPY of the original diskette (or file if downloaded from a BBS) before you do anything. Put the original in a safe place, and use the copy as the master disk when you install the program. You may have to first uncompress the program from a Zip, Arj, or other compressed file type if downloaded from a BBS. Go to the directory containing the Daily BioRhythm files, and at the DOS prompt type INSTALL . (If installing from the Daily BioRhythm disk in drive A:, this would be A:'s root directory. If installing from the Daily BioRhythm disk in drive B:, this would be B:'s root directory. The installation program will prompt you for the directory to install Daily BioRhythm to. (If the directory doesn't exist, it will be created for you.) To choose the program's default directory (C:\DAYBIO) simply press enter. The installation program will then run the Daily BioRhythm configuration program for you, which requests your name and birthdate, (and optionally, the names and birthdates of up to three other people), then records the information in the file 25D_BIO.CFG. (25D_BIO.CFG is the file that Daily BioRhythm reads your birth data from to compute your Daily BioRhythm!) After the installation program has finished it's job, go to the directory C:\DAYBIO (or whatever directory you chose to have the program installed to) and at the DOS prompt type DAYBIO25. Daily BioRhythm will then run and show you your BioRhythm for the day, plus what it all means; and show the Biorhythm levels of up to three other people. That's all there is to it! Keys ~~~~ To swap positions between the main user and a secondary user (from the main screen), use keys F1 thru F3. (i.e. F1 would switch the secondary user in the F1 position to the main display, and the user in the main display to the F1 position.) To change the chart date: Page Up - One week earlier. Page Down - One week later. Up Arrow - One day earlier. Down Arrow - One day later. Home - Reset to current date. Viewing Biorhythm at Bootup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to see your Daily BioRhythm each time you boot up your computer, follow these two steps: 1) Copy the file "AUTOB25.EXE" to any directory included in your PATH statement; or add Daily BioRhythm's directory to your PATH. 2) Using a text editor, (after the PATH statement) add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: AUTOB25 or if you installed Daily BioRhythm to a directory other than the default of C:\DAYBIO, use the appropriate path for the command line parameter; for example if you had installed it to the directory D:\INFO\MYBIO, then the line you would add to your AUTOEXEC.BAT would be: AUTOB25 D:\INFO\MYBIO NOTE: Daily BioRhythm uses the system's date to compute your chart. If the ~~~~ date on your system is set incorrectly, then an incorrect BioRhythm chart will be displayed. The system date MUST BE CORRECTLY SET to the current date in order for Daily BioRhythm to display your correct chart for the day. **************************************************************************** S U P P O R T I N F O R M A T I O N **************************************************************************** NEED EXTRA HELP? REGISTERED USERS are generally allowed unlimited mail support. (However, we reserve the right to terminate support to users who in our judgment are unreasonable or abusive, or who have system problems which transcend the scope of this software.) UNREGISTERED USERS: Support will be limited to getting you up and running. Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your inquiry. ALL USERS: Comments and/or suggestions are always welcome. We would especially like to hear from you if you encounter any "bugs" in the software, or if you want to let us know how you think our software compares with similiar programs by others. **************************************************************************** W H A T I S S H A R E W A R E ? **************************************************************************** Shareware is not a type of software, but rather it is simply a form of marketing by which a customer has the opportunity to try out the software buying it. Unlike commercial software where you pay the full price before using it, with Shareware the customer uses the software for a trial period and THEN decides whether or not it is what he or she wants BEFORE paying the registration fee for the software. This ensures the customer is buying what he or she wants, rather than taking the risk of being stuck with an unwanted package that can't be returned after the wrapping has been opened. Most Shareware is freely distributed with a limited evaluation period. If the software is right for you, then you register with the publisher or author. If the software is not what you want, simply erase it from your disk. In other words, YOU GET TO TRY BEFORE YOU BUY! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Programs marketed through the shareware concept are copyrighted and are thus protected by US Copyright law. Unregistered users who continue to use a shareware program beyond the shareware author's stated evaluation period are in violation of US federal law. If you obtained a shareware program on disk from a disk vendor, you DID NOT pay for the program. What you paid was a disk copying and distribution fee. That is why the price for the disk was so low (usually about $5.00). This fee covers their costs for copying the disks, mailing costs, etc. Even so, most Shareware programs cost less to register than the purchase price of their commercial counterparts. And, in quality, many Shareware programs equal or surpass that of their commercial counterparts. **************************************************************************** REVIEWERS: ~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to review this program for publication, PLEASE contact me first to make sure you have the most recent program version, and to make sure the ordering information supplied to your readers is accurate and the most current available. I request to receive a copy of anything published pertaining to this software. Thank you. **************************************************************************** R E G I S T R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N **************************************************************************** WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU REGISTER: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) A registered version of the program (the most recent and up-to-date version) WITHOUT the shareware nag screens. (2) Notification of any new program updates, and the opportunity to get new versions (as they become available) at discounted rates for one year from the date you register. (3) Peace of mind. Hey, you'll be legal and be helping the program's author to be able to continue developing Daily BioRhythm and other software programs... ============================================================================ R E G I S T R A T I O N - D A I L Y B I O R H Y T H M V 2 . 5 ============================================================================ Your Name: ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ___________________ Telephone: ____________________________________________________________ _____ Registered versions @ $19.00 each: ___________________ Check disk size [ ] 3.5"DD [ ] 5.25"DD Idaho residents, please add 5% sales tax ($.75 each registered version ordered) ___________________ Foreign shipping, $6.00 ___________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: ___________________ All prices are in U.S. dollars. Checks must be drawn on and payable through a U.S. bank. Money Orders must be in U.S. dollars. For more than 5 copies of this software, please write us for a site license. Please complete the following questionaire to help us serve you better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Your reply to this questionaire would be appreciated, even if you are not registering your Shareware at this time!) From where did you obtain this program? ____________________________________ Is the above a DISK VENDOR [ ] USER GROUP [ ] BULLETIN BOARD [ ] OTHER[ ] What type of computer do you have? _________________________________________ Which DOS Version do you use? ______ Do you use WINDOWS? ______ OS2? _______ Do you have a hard drive? ___________ What size & type? ____________________ How many floppy drives does your system have? _____ And what sizes? 5.25" 360K _____ 5.25" 1.2MB _____ 3.5" 720K _____ 3.5" 1.44MB _______ Please list any other drive types you may have:_____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a printer? _____ If so, what type? ____________________________ Which type of graphics system do you have? SVGA [ ] VGA [ ] VGA MONO [ ] EGA [ ] EGA MONO [ ] CGA [ ] MCGA [ ] Hercules [ ] Other [ ]___________ Have you registered any Shareware within the last: Month [ ] 6 Months [ ] Year [ ] More than 1 Year [ ] I never have registered Shareware before [ ] When did you last purchase commercial software? ____________________________ What type of software do you usually purchase? _____________________________ What comments do you have about this software? _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ******* Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionaire. ******* Please submit the completed registration form & applicable registration fee (and/or completed questionaire and/or any comments you may have in regards Daily BioRhythm v2.5) to: D. Burgess Dept. DB0394 Post Office Box 892 Emmett, ID 83617-0892 Please allow two to three (2-3) weeks for delivery of registered software. Replies to inquiry will made with priority given to registered users. Thank you for your support! **************************************************************************** (END OF FILE)